Saturday, February 20, 2010

Miss Olivia

Miss Olivia Catherine born Feb.13th just one day shy of Valentines Day is still a sweetheart! This was my first newborn shoot and I have to say it was awesome. We took our time as babies dont always want to cooperate and stay in a pose. I just let Olivia decide our pace and what photos we would go with. She was awake for most of the shoot and I was really surprised how she did NOT want to keep her clothes off. She would get fussy and once wrapped up and swaddled again, she was absolutely fine and wide eyed and happy. 

This hat my daughter made just for Miss Olivia. Its so cute! 

We look forward to capturing Miss Olivia growing up into a beautiful young lady

Little man

Cameron is his name and charming is his game..hehe. This lil man is amazingly charming with his smile and hypnotizing eyes. The lights would just explode inside those blue eyes and melt your heart. He was so much fun to work with and made my job so easy. I wish all shoots with babies could go this easy..hehe

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Freckles and Pickles

Due any day Peggy finally decided to get the maternity shoot over with. Waddling her way in she discovered a jar of pickles I picked up for her..remembering how much she said she loved them. We were in no hurry to get to work so we took some time for her to get settled and relax a bit. She even took some time to eat some of her delicious pickles and I of course had to snap a few of  her enjoying them. Oh the joys of pregnancy!
We soon got started on our shoot and we had a great time. All I can say is FRECKLES! This girl has the most adorable FRECKLES!
Peggy and her daughter Jennie


Sisters Sisters...and alil bit of Jennie..

We did this shoot in downtown Louisville on the river. Lots of beautiful backdrops for photos.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Let me introduce myself

I guess I'll start my introducing myself. I am Revonda McCarty, yes the photographer and creator of Revflections Photography. When I decided to start this I wanted to find name that would reflect me and my personality, but I also wanted to give it a name that could stand on its own. My hope is that someday my children will continue what I've started. My friends had nick named me Rev..aka..The Rev..LOL. Hence forth came Revflections Photography.
I'm a wife and mother of four of beautiful children and I have one awesome step-son. And my first blog is to introduce you to myself and to my family.


Shonda is a fabulous young woman who is my oldest. Now in college and working full time she plans to attend the university until she recieves her degree in Music Education. Afterwards, she plans to continue her education in journalism and as she works as a music instructor.

James is our 16yr old growing into a wonderful young man. He is considering a career in physical education. James is a total gentlemen and he has a beautiful heart.

Ryan is our lil soldier. His dream is to continue through high school and then join the Marine Corps. Ryan is a total sweetheart and the girls will be heartbroken when he leaves for the Marines someday..including my own. What to say about this little man. Well he is absolutely a handful..but he is also charming, adorable, loyal and sweet. He is also my baby. Very smart, too smart if you ask us..hehe. He is hard to get one over on but its fun trying.

Will is a geek like dad. He loves his video games. But Will is also quiet, meek and humble. He is also a great helper and his brothers love him to death. He is one lucky boy to have this much love around him.

About Me

My photo
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Married and mother of four beautiful children. My life is as busy as a circus. I am always on the go with my family but my photography is as much part of me as my family. Its may passion and joy. I love to put smiles on everyones faces and my photography is an outlet as well as a fix for my own happiness. I love my children and they were the ones who pulled the photographer out of me. As most young mothers we are constantly snapping a camera to capture those many first moments. But friends and family saw something in my photos that made them believe in my ability to create such works of beauty that led me here today. To God I give many thanks for my talents and my blessings. He is the one who enables me to do what I do and he will always be first in my life. I just pray that my camera will always capture joy not sadness and my works will always be appreciated and admired by those who reflect in my lens.