Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall for Fall

Now through November 20TH I’m offering two specials with the promo code below included in your email scheduling your session.


Full Family Fall Photo Session

Unlimited persons in portrait
One hour outdoor photography session
Twenty Holiday Photo Card Set
Edited images on CD

$25 off next photo session

Mini Fall Portrait Session

Thirty minute outdoor photo session
All images edited and on CD
$25 off next photo session

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Favorites

Fall is a magical time of year. You can almost smell the carved pumpkins and candle wax as soon as the first leave falls from its deathly height. The cool crisp air wisps’ in riding on the bristles of a broom stick and suddenly everyone’s in the mood for hot chocolate and pumpkin pie.

I will be the first one to admit that it is my favorite time of year. Not for the costumes and trick or treating. But to me, it’s the calmest season of the year. I can feel the spirit of the world settling in for a winters nap. To me it’s a restful season. My body tends to sleep better during the fall. It’s a time to snuggle in and put on fuzzy socks. It’s just a comfort I can’t really explain, yet I know you understand what I mean.

This year it seems the season is struggling to come to a full circle. Its battling summers persisting grip on the earth. The fall winds came in the other day and I told my kids that every year for the rest of their lives they will see this happen. I can remember as a child standing firm in my back yard while the winds blew so hard I felt they could knock me off my feet. My eyes squinted shut, I could feel the leaves circling my feet and it was like I got caught in a magical tornado. Nature was twirling around me and even today I can remember how that felt. It was truly a wonderful moment that has stayed with me into my adult years. I guess everyone has a moment like that. A moment that is in scripted into their brains, they will never forget.

What do you love about fall? It’s a beautiful time of year for your five senses. You can see all the wonderful colors of fallorange, yellow, brown, green, and red. You can smell the wood burning, the pumpkins glowing and the chocolate simmering. You can feel the fall winds dancing through your hair and the taste of candy corn reminds you of no other season but fall. And lastly you can hear the howling of the winds as you sit snugly close to a crackling fire. The giggles of trick or treaters can be heard nearby, ringing your doorbell and the crunching of leaves under their feet as they race to the next house.

Camera in hand as usual I wanted to capture a few things around my home that I felt were beautiful reminders of why I love fall so much. I hope you enjoy!

send me some of your favorite fall photos. I may do a post of my fans favorite fall photographs if I get enough. Send to my email
Dreamy Creamy Hot Chocolate
  • 1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 6 1/2 cups hot water
  • Mini Marshmallows (optional)
In a large saucepan, combine sweetened condensed milk, cocoa, vanilla and salt; mix well. Over medium heat, slowly stir in water; heat through, stirring occasionally. DO NOT BOIL. Top with marshmallows, if desired.
Tip: Chocolate can be stored in the refrigerator up to 5 days. Mix well and reheat before serving.
A few of our families favorite fall traditions are

1     visit to the pumpkins patch
2     drinking hot cocoa & reading spooky stories
3     long nature walks & leaf collecting
4     photography adventures
5     decorating for Halloween
6     kitchen fun making holiday candies & treats
7     raking the leaves and making a leaf man
8     Boo at the Zoo
9     Gathering to watch “It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown”
What are some of your favorite autumn traditions? Share your favorite traditions & stories below in the comment section.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

don’t stop believing

Yesterday someone wrote a facebook post about looking at their earlier work compared to their recent stuff and seeing how far they've come. My comment to that posting was, as creative people we continuously grow and expand with time. We never stop challenging ourselves and the goals we set are limitless.

This made me stop and go back to take a look at my own stuff when I first began. I too still get blown away by the changes in my own growth. And for that I am thankful, because the impress yourself is no easy feat.

It’s an attitude and set of mind that gets you there. Some have said its because Im Aquarius that Im creative and stubborn. LOL. Maybe so, but whatever it is..I love it and its what Im supposed to do
I love this quote

Whether you think you can or think you can't,
Either way you're right.
- Henry Ford
This video is a perfect example of how if you are determined enough, having patience and persistence, you can achieve most anything. Many times I thought of giving up on my dream, but someone somewhere reminded me that I am strong and I couldn'tt stop believing in myself. Strength to reach goals comes from many places, some from way down inside, and some from people around you. But just remember to dont stop believing!

Here is some of my earlier work, I hope you enjoy!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Ten Years of Falling in Love

Special thanks to Heath Plum of

HHH Photography

Today my husband and I asked a personal favor of a close dear friend, who also happens to be a photographer. We wanted our 10 year Anniversary photos taken and wanted to make sure the session was personal and special. Heath quickly responded with a yes, and by 4pm today we were heading our truck toward Bardstown, Ky.
During our sessions we visited the convent in Bardstown, Sisters of Charity of Nazareth. Oh, wow! This place is beautiful. If you’re ever in Bardstown you must drive through there and experience the serene atmosphere. We were obviously very noticed being dressed from another era, but we couldn’t distract from the beauty of this place. It’s simply breathtaking.
During our session, we noticed several others using the grounds as their photographic backdrop. We worked quickly because we got a late start, and were losing light. But I am definitely planning a trip to go back just to photograph the campus. If I lived closer, I could see myself going there a lot to just ponder of life and taking a moment to breathe in the calmness of the place.

Per my request Heath used both cameras, his and mine. Being a photographer I wanted the opportunity to edited my own photos, because I had specific editing I wanted done, the coloring to make the photos feel aged.  Again, this was an important shoot for us. Our last photo session was back in 2006. So it had been awhile for us. I have to say being on the other side of the camera is strange..LOL. I found myself feeling awkward and silly. But I ran with it…giggling and laughing and enjoying my moments with my husband. Heath did a great job capturing our personalities.

He was patient and played with angles and lighting. I’ve been doing photography awhile longer than Heath, and I’ve worked with him on expanding ideas and thinking outside the box. Not copying another photographers work, but taking an idea and making it your own. I’ve helped him experiment with lighting, shadows and poses. We’ve even had several get togethers on learning Photoshop and playing with different techniques. He’s come a long way, and I’m proud of him. He is a truly talent friend and I love him. We’ve been great friends for about eight years now and our families have come to be very close over time.
Thank you Heath for helping us create the moments we wanted to capture. We appreciate your hard work and will cherish our photos forever and hope that they are heirlooms for generations after us to enjoy.

 Happy Ten Years to my sweet, adorable and fabulous husband. I fall in love with you every day.I love you!

Its important to support all of our local photographers. Every photographer as a unique style and way of shooting that makes thier work thier own. I will always support other photographers and appreciate thier hard work. Each of us have a different eye for things and with that I understand that when you are searching for a photographer to capture you or your family, its important to see the differences we all have to offer in styles and techniques.

photo taken & edited by HHH Photograph

I mademy headbands, and Chris's flower and bowtie. I love the special little touches.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tea for Two

im·ag·i·na·tion [ih-maj-uh-ney-shuh n]

1. the faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses.

2. the action or process of forming such images or concepts.

3. the faculty of producing ideal creations consistent with reality, as in literature, as distinct from the power of creating illustrative or decorative imagery. Compare fancy ( def. 2 ) .

4. the product of imagining; a conception or mental creation, often a baseless or fanciful one.

Tea for two, three or four…Teddy bear and Destiny enjoying a beautiful fall afternoon sharing a cup of imagination. What a beautiful display of creation and imagination. I decided to do this theme because Destiny has this timeless face that exudes the innocence of childhood.  I was excited to see the results of her photo session because I knew looking at her my lens that I was capturing something exciting. All the poses you see her in, she did herself, without even realizing what she was doing. She is obliviously a natural in front of the camera and that made my job extremely easy.

She who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet”
Joseph Joubert quotes

About Me

My photo
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Married and mother of four beautiful children. My life is as busy as a circus. I am always on the go with my family but my photography is as much part of me as my family. Its may passion and joy. I love to put smiles on everyones faces and my photography is an outlet as well as a fix for my own happiness. I love my children and they were the ones who pulled the photographer out of me. As most young mothers we are constantly snapping a camera to capture those many first moments. But friends and family saw something in my photos that made them believe in my ability to create such works of beauty that led me here today. To God I give many thanks for my talents and my blessings. He is the one who enables me to do what I do and he will always be first in my life. I just pray that my camera will always capture joy not sadness and my works will always be appreciated and admired by those who reflect in my lens.