Thursday, December 15, 2011

Confessions Project

Psssttt....can I tell you a secret?

Sure you can..but it's anonymous and no one will know who's secrets are who's. We all have secrets we keep hidden down deep in our minds and hearts. Some just harmless and maybe others not so much. I'm sure you've seen the postscrets website..where real people write on postcards their secrets and mail them in and they are posted online and in books. This is what gave me the idea. Only I want you to photograph your secret as a piece of artwork. Be creative, design it anyway you wish. Its your secret and your art. But there has to be a few rules..I know I know...rules suck! But I want this to be a fun and respectful project that everyone can enjoy. So here we go with the rules below..

#1.NO NAMES will be used
#2 NO FACES allowed in the artwork
#3 NO NUDITY(private parts)
#4 RESPECT everyone reading

I am giving you until December 31st to send me all your confessions and on January 1st I will post a blog displaying all the confessions sent. If this is something that I think everyone enjoys I will consider doing it monthly or bimonthly.

Now, to give you an example of what I'm wanting you to try. I've decided to confess a secret that I think is quiet silly and embarrassing...but true about myself. Sometimes its fun to just have alil secret that you don't share with others but this is one I was willing to fess up about and share in the spirit of this project.

Its important that everything you want known about your secret is in the photograph. I will not be writing any notes with any artwork. The blog will only be the artwork displayed and my blog about this project.

Your artwork can be done with just a simple photograph or you can get as creative as you would like as I did above. Scrapbook pages are a fun way of getting creative and you can use a regular camera or our cell phone to take the pic. Just please make sure you get a clear image and nothing is showing in the photograph except what your meaning to show. Also, feel free to send in as many confessions as you would like, just remember the rules when participating in this project. 

All you have to do is email your photograph to me at

You can use an anonymous email or use your regular email. Either is fine, but its my promise that NO ONE will ever find out who you are!

FYI: If any of the rules posted above is broken your artwork will not be displayed.

This is simply a fun project I wanted to try and even if only one piece of artwork is sent in, it will be posted. I really hope that you will have fun with this and be sure to watch for soon I will be posting a second project I'll be working on in the new year.

Anyone with questions or needs more information about this project feel free to email me  or comment below and I'll answer your questions or help you in any way I can. I look forward to seeing the artwork that comes in and remember, have fun with it!

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About Me

My photo
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Married and mother of four beautiful children. My life is as busy as a circus. I am always on the go with my family but my photography is as much part of me as my family. Its may passion and joy. I love to put smiles on everyones faces and my photography is an outlet as well as a fix for my own happiness. I love my children and they were the ones who pulled the photographer out of me. As most young mothers we are constantly snapping a camera to capture those many first moments. But friends and family saw something in my photos that made them believe in my ability to create such works of beauty that led me here today. To God I give many thanks for my talents and my blessings. He is the one who enables me to do what I do and he will always be first in my life. I just pray that my camera will always capture joy not sadness and my works will always be appreciated and admired by those who reflect in my lens.